Here at EC we believe that friends Make life better and that no one should do life alone. This is the reason we have ec groups that will appeal to everyone no matter where they are on there faith journey.
Our Winter Semester of Ec groups launches in february!
Types of EC Groups
EC Book Studies
Book Studies exist both in-person and online for men, women and mixed groups for men and women.
EC Courses
EC Courses exist to help individuals grow in their relationship with Jesus as well as be practically equipped to grow in different areas such as: Finance, Marriage, Discipleship, Business, Grief, and Leadership.
Connection Groups
Connection Groups exist for people to take what they already love doing and turn it into a disciple making opportunity. Connection Groups include Mom’s Groups, Board Game Groups and so much more!
EC Fit
EC Fit exists to create a space to help people regardless of their current level of fitness grow into a healthier and stronger version of themselves.
Outreach Groups
Outreach groups exist to practically share the love of Christ with our city and to support and connect with our community. Join us as we serve our city together!
Freedom Groups
During a 13-week Small Groups semester, Freedom Groups gather weekly both in person or online to discuss the Freedom Small Group curriculum, which is designed to equip you to live the abundant life Christ came to give you. No matter where you are in your faith journey, Freedom Groups will challenge you to take a step towards truth - about God, about faith, and about yourself - to close the doors of your yesterdays so you can walk fully into the purpose God has for you today. This group will help you remove every obstacle to intimacy with God and walk in true freedom. Find out more at
Being part of a community is so much more than slipping in and out of church, periodically catching the Podcast or attending Church Online. Real community is doing life together with others. At the core of each of us is a desire to be known, to be loved and to belong. These are the reasons why we have EC Groups.
Three Things eVERY EC Group Provides
It is important to have shared space with others. EC Groups provide a regular opportunity for us to be together! We all need people who care about us, enjoy our company, and see our potential.
Relationships grow through shared experiences. Here at EC we believe that Friends Make Life Better. Jump in an EC Group to laugh, talk about life, share recipes and have a ton of fun!
Shared faith is a not-so-secret, secret to the Christian life. It’s great to attend church over the weekend, read your bible and listen to worship music. We can take it to the next level by diving into our faith with friends. EC Groups are a great place to discuss the sermon from the weekend, share needs with one another, ask questions and pray together.