Legacy 2024

Legacy 2024

It’s Legacy Season at Experience Church, and we come together as a family to celebrate all that God has done and anticipate all that He will do. 

God has given us an amazing opportunity to extend our faith, invest in the future, and live lives today that will live on forever. Once a year during the month of November we bring a special offering—one that requires sacrifice and one that builds a legacy for future generations. This offering enables us to take a giant leap forward in fulfilling the big opportunities God has placed before us.

Total Legacy Giving for 2024: $1,169,119


Please note that Legacy Giving is open now until the end of the year.

There are two Legacy Giving options.

Legacy Expansion is the option to give towards the building expansion and Legacy is the option for all of our legacy projects.


legacy impact

Stay connected with all things related to the impact of Legacy here on this page. Watch our Vision Sunday, view the building expansion, learn about our legacy lanes and see regular updates throughout the year.


building expansion


Watch to view the digital rendering of the building expansion




We will do whatever it takes to continue to expand in our building, our city and throughout Canada.


Christmas Wishlist, Partnership with our Local Partners and expanding Experience Church into new locations.



Partnering with ARC Canada in planting 24 churches across Canada.


This year we are continue to work with our partner partners in Southeast Asia, India, Zimbabwe and more.


How to participate?

As you prepare for Legacy we would like to invite you to do three things: Firstly, pray. Ask God how He would like you to sacrifice this year. Secondly, obey and simply do what it is God has laid on your heart. Thirdly, pray again. Every time we give financially, we are investing into miracles we haven’t seen yet.